Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sound Sketch Series 1

1.Good Acoustics:
Carpet, acoustic panel, coffers, fabric, upholstery, artwork on walls, background noises
Bad Acoustics:
Metal in ceilings, exposed piping, concrete floor, hard walls, metal door jams, reflective surfaces on lockers
2. In the classrooms the use of carpet, acoustical panels on the wall and in the coffers, artwork on the walls, and the upholsteries absorb sound making the space have less echo and background noise being able to hear more clearly what is being said or done.The other spaces lack soft materials, and therefor cause a reflectance of noises off of the hard surfaces, such as the metal, exposed pipes, concrete floors, and hard walls, throughout the spaces lessening the ability to hear clearly.
3. Rosette acoustical wall panels made by Anne Quinn. They are decorative wall panels. 
Offecct sound panel
Echo eliminator creates products that eliminate echo in the space
4. Harsh surfaces create a larger variation of noise within the space, so using a less harsh surface will help to lessen the all-around noises. A pin-able surface can be used to absorb sound but also be put to use. There are now products as shown above to make the space enjoyable but also eliminate background noises.

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